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    Introducing EB Watts and Her Lively Imagination

    Introducing EB Watts and Her Lively Imagination

    It's not often Green Pebble steps outside the realms of the possible, but we couldn't resist EB Watts' sense of humour and playful compositions. Her canvases are beautifully painted - taking many weeks of deliberation - and brighten up the dreariest of days. If you want to cheer someone up (and possibly get them to eat their greens), why not stick a sheep, a goose and a radish in a cabbage, after all?

    Here, EB Watts tells the story behind this particular painting:

    'I have a passion for cabbages. I love their shape, the big leaves on the outside getting smaller towards the middle.

    Having decided on painting the Cabbage, I like to think where I see it: a cottage garden or a farmer's backyard close to barns and fields. The leaves are like wonderful nesting places, comfortable and safe.

    Next the animals spring to mind. The rooster is centre stage as you always hear the rooster. He makes you think of chickens eggs and early morning. Each animal is typical of any farm and here the Cabbage becomes the farmyard, but obviously in a different way.

    The vegtables are from every garden too. They are fresh and ripe and delicious. I love the shape of the peas and radishes and could paint them over and over again.

    Each time I think of an idea, I try to push my imagination further and further, so in the end, some of the combinations or situations are surreal or extraordinary. I like to surprise and pursue originality, but not for the sake of it. I enjoy taking the most common image, such as the Cabbage , and making it look beautiful, because if treated carefully it will get the attention it deserves!

    I am very influenced by the seasons, how I feel, hot or cold, and what I see around me,green fields or snow covered ground. This Farmyard Cabbage with the animals and vegetables is a burst of summer.'

    EB Watts

    The Story Behind Sarah Pye's 'Sunshine Hare'

    The Story Behind Sarah Pye's 'Sunshine Hare'

    'Whilst sitting in the car one day, waiting for my son to return from work experience as a tree surgeon , I found myself staring dreamily across the open fields on this particularly warm summer's evening. I was lost in my own thoughts of cow parsley and wild grasses and how  beautiful they were, bathed in the low evening sunshine .

    Suddenly, right in front of me, this enormous hare stood up on his hind legs and surveyed the scene around him. I remained motionless in the car, transfixed by his stature. Even from a distance I could see that he was a good 3' tall and his face wasn't soft and fluffy like a rabbit,  but angular and alert. Having decided that he was alone and safe, he sat down and began to nibble the grasses surrounding him. I was transfixed,  this was a rare sight for me indeed.

    I collected my son and my thoughts, then found myself rushing into my studio. Hours later and surrounded by images of hares and an imagination full of wild flowers - far more than had actually been in the field - Sunshine Hare emerged onto my canvas, basking in the evening sun and surrounded by a cacophony of tasty flora. ( It's the artist's prerogative to wildly embellish 😊). I'd like to say that I painted him, but he actually painted himself and I just contributed the floral feast !😊'

     Sarah's Greeting Cards

    The Story Behind Mig Wyeth's 'What A Beautiful Day'

    The Story Behind Mig Wyeth's 'What A Beautiful Day'

     'This is a picture of pure fiction. It combines my love for drawing, together with my interest in gardening and the enjoyment of having a go at tackling the weekend cryptic crossword.

    It’s all a dream because as gardeners are well aware, our expectations and hopes are not always met and we constantly battle with garden pests, diseases and the inclement weather. It is true that the plants and flowers in the picture can be found on my allotment but not necessarily growing so abundantly all at the same time, in the same year!!

    That would be pure fantasy but I thought it was a good idea from which to create a picture.

    Not far from my plot a fellow allotmenteer keeps bees. On a warm Summer’s day I love hearing the bees gentle hum and watching them busily at work on the lavender.

    It makes a good excuse to take a rest from weeding and have another glance at the Sunday crossword.

    9 Across is proving to be a bit of a puzzle…..‘environmentally friendly, small smooth stone.’ 5,6 !!

    Answers to Green Pebble!'

    Mig's Greeting Cards

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